CS/CS/SB 590: Child Support and Parenting Time Plans
GENERAL BILL by Appropriations ; Judiciary ; Brandes ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Stargel ; Gibson ; Campbell
Child Support and Parenting Time Plans; Authorizing the Department of Revenue to establish parenting time plans agreed to by both parents in Title IV-D child support actions; providing the purpose and requirements for a Title IV-D Standard Parenting Time Plan; requiring the department to refer parents who do not agree on a parenting time plan to a circuit court; authorizing the department to incorporate either a signed, agreed-upon parenting time plan or a signed Title IV-D Standard Parenting Time Plan in a child support order, etc. APPROPRIATION: $1,041,126.00
Effective Date: 1/1/2018
Last Action: 6/16/2017 – Chapter No. 2017-117
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF